I don’t know why I decided to start with the apple pie, but I did. I got the recipe from the mom of my roommate Courtney. After researching the best apples to use for an apple pie, I take off to the grocery store and almost an hour later and $25 dollars poorer, I was in baking paradise.
At this point, Shea was napping, so I was on my own. Starting with the dough, I mixed the ingredients, 2 sticks of butter and all. It was a sticky mess but so fun! I put it in the refrigerator to just chill for a while (ha!) Then I began the apple peeling process. After much debate, I went with the Braeburn apples, and as I peeled all 10 of them I started thinking about all the things apples remind me of. Teachers, Adam and Eve, Twilight, and of course Johnny Appleseed.
Once my apples were sliced, I took a look at the pan we had and unfortunately, it was not going to do the job. I got back in my car and purchased the cutest red pie pan you have ever seen.
By the time I got back home the dough was ready, and that’s where Shea came in. To be honest I don’t know where the pie would be with out her. The dough was so sticky and we didn’t have a rolling pin. We laid out flour over the counter top and used an olive oil bottle to spread it out. We placed it in the pan and patched up the remaining holes. Then it was time to add my delicious apples to the cinnamon and sugar concoction. Adding hand full’s of apples to the mixture sent a brief preview of the divine home made apple pie smell that you usually only get once a year. After the second layer of dough was added, it was placed in the oven for baking, and not to mention a minor freak out when I began to wonder if I should have cooked the apples before hand.
I couldn’t stop checking the oven because A. I didn’t want my 4 hour project to burn, and B. it smelt so yummy, I probably checked it 10 times. An hour and a half passed it, and my pie looked beautiful. It was golden to perfection and apple pie juice was coming out from the little holes on the top. I waited about 20 minutes and couldn’t handle it anymore. I took out the vanilla ice cream and cut the first slice. It melted it my mouth, as for Courtney it burned hers since we didn’t wait long enough. Needless to say it turned out just the way I wanted it to, a yummy pie and check mark on my bucket list.