Friday, March 18, 2011

The Real World Tahoe

This is the true story of nine friends who are picked to live in a house, and  have their lives tapped. To embrace the mountains and find out when people stop being polite and start getting real, Real World Tahoe.
            Well not really. We didn’t get picked, we paid for it and our lives weren’t tapped but we did take a ton of pictures. 
            Spring break, where have you been all my life and why have you never shown me Tahoe before.  This spring break, after a failed attempt to go to Cabo, we got hooked up with a beautiful home in South Lake.  It was my first time to Tahoe and my first trip with my roommates, or any college friends for that matter. 
            After a two-day stop in San Jose/San Francisco where I got to see Colleen, we completed the journey from sand to snow.  It was absolutely breathtaking.  The mountains were covered with snow and the air was crisp. 
            To be honest we didn’t do much.  We probably went in the jacuzzi twice a day and considered a snowball fight to be exhausting.  I took plenty of relaxing baths and made time for leisure reading.  We played games and made every meal together.  We laughed and had talks ranging from love, life, and philosophy.  Some hit the slopes and some took a little extra time to enjoy the scenery.  We went thrift shopping and took advantage of happy hour.  We learned to play SCUM and Shea cried three times in the Patriot... and did I mention i BEAR crawled into our backyard?
            Relaxation was needed.  Sleeping was needed. And a good old fashion snowball fight was needed.  I think it just might be the cure after a week of midterms. 

While in the mountains I got a very exciting email! I have been chosen to be on the Uganda Intern team working for Children of the Nations sent by my home church, Flood, in San Diego!  I am very fortunate to have this opportunity and can use all the prayers I can get as I prepare to spend 2 months in Africa.  


  1. LOVE this blog! that bear picture is AMAZING! and you're going back to AFRICA! YAHOO!

  2. You are great. Maybe change the sentence about the bear to "A bear" instead of "I bear" :) The picture explains it...but Mike thought the bear was fake. Don't worry... I set him straight.

  3. hi! i love the pictures! I am glad you had such a good time :)

  4. I think the bear is fake. Someone is wearing a costume....I know it's reay a bear...
    Glad you had a fun time. Just so you know, you have been to Tahoe before. We took you when you were about 2 years old. :)
    Lastly- I think you should write a book. You are a very good writer.
